Almighty God our Savior, Strength and Shield, our lands and all people gathered here are Yours.  We ask You to forgive our sin and hear our hearts, as we cry out to You for our Nation.


We declare, and raise Your Name, Jehovah Nissi, as the only banner over us, just as those who came before us have done.


Father, in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, we speak against the things holding back this Nation, and “those who are called to salvation.”


We break the Power of Pride, Lies and Lust, Mammon and Idolatry, of Fear and Doubt, Sickness and Death, Unbelief and the Occult in the Name of Jesus Christ.


Using the keys to the Kingdom that Jesus gave us in Matthew 18:18, we close and lock, seal and bind these gates of the anti-Christ over our Nation.  We Loose, Melt and Dissolve them on the earth, and in the heavenly realms.


We ask, Father, that through our repentance and worship, in the Name and by the Blood of Jesus/Yeshua Messiah, for the Flood Gates of Heaven to open over America….. to bring Repentance and Salvation, Truth and Faith, Wholeness and Life in all its abundance.


We ask You, Lord, to thrust out laborers into Your harvest field, and pray for the powerful proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ across this Land to bring an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, and the return of those who once knew Your love.


Summon Your Power, oh God, and show us Your strength as You have done before, for Your chariots are tens of thousands and thousands upon thousands.


Arise, oh God, and speak the Word and scatter all Your enemies, that Your “Name be kept Holy.”


We ask it in Jesus’ glorious Name.  Amen.