By James Wilson


The radically progressive Obama-Administration-driven propaganda machine has lost its magic touch.  Politico lied when it claimed Presidential Candidate Ben Carson “confessed” lying of his acceptance at West Point.  The big media guns ran the malicious story as carelessly as the 2008 claim George Bush faked his military service.  It came to a stuttering halt with Carson standing on truth – he was invited but declined applying to West Point in favor of medicine – written years ago in his autobiography.


When Politico backed down they weaseled Carson “conceded” he had never applied; Carson stayed strong.  There was nothing to concede because Carson never spoke anything but truth.  He was backed up by talkers and bloggers who know the enemy as the father of lies.  The people are backing Carson as well – this past week his campaign received three-point-five million dollars; receipts for this quarter are nearly twenty-one million dollars.  Most are small gifts, not the fat cat I-own-you donations.


The wheels are coming off because people under attack are standing strong and others are standing with them.  Carly Fiorina is bullied on The View by panelists mocking her smile – of all things – she stands and makes her points while the public laughs at the panelists who mocked her.  Paul Bevin wins the governor’s race in Kentucky with his stands against Obamacare and for County Clerk Kim Davis, once jailed by a rogue federal judge in defiance of law; this state has had enough.  Virginia – solidly Democratic – elects a conservative majority to its legislature defending the Second Amendment.  Obama crony Governor Terry McCauliffe and cash from Michael Bloomberg lose.


Progressive Houston soundly defeats Mayor Annise Parker’s plan to open all bathrooms to the gender conflicted/opportunistic.  She fought to squelch the election.


In a July dream sent from Abba I saw President Obama before a door leading to his tools for deceiving enough of the American Public to maintain his power and move his agenda.  Its electronic lock rejected his combination; access denied.  I thought it wish-fulfilling; everyone I told thought it prophetic.  Apparently they were right.


Seven county governments in Tennessee announce they defy the Supreme Court decision on marriage; they say it is now settled law and they research documents like the Federalist Papers to support their viewpoint.  The administrative law judge illegally fining an Oregon baker for refusing to bake for a gay wedding is exposed for colluding with plaintiffs while the lesbian owners of a T-shirt business are backing the baker on fairness grounds.  President Obama again rejects the Keystone Pipeline on grounds it contributes to climate change while NASA  reports the Antarctic icepack continues to grow – as it has for decades.  Even over-the-top-leftist California remains tied up in court over its official but falsified claim the referendum on its so-called Bathroom Bill lacked enough signatures; putting this gross invasion of children’s privacy to a vote of the people will almost certainly demolish it.


Lawsuits filed by Alliance Defending Freedom and Pacific Justice Institute challenge California’s right to force pregnancy care centers to refer clients for abortions and a signature drive is underway to put the assisted death law on the ballot – where it will face almost certain repeal.


Barack Obama sits at the apex of a massive effort to deceive and depress Americans – Christian or no – into accepting destruction of our culture and our identity.  He is its symbol, icon, and figurehead.  But he is not its power.  That comes from a figure and effort begun in the Garden of Eden when a snake denied God said what He said.  None of this deception – BTW – could occur without the ongoing complicity of the deceived.  It appears the veil has now been lifted – perhaps shredded – but the responsibility remains on us to act on what we now discover, and to be responsively positive rather than negatively reactive.


The same Father who sent me that dream has a dream of His own to fulfill.  His Son first reveals Himself in Matthew 4:17.  “Repent (turn around) for the Kingdom of Heaven of Heaven is pursuing you,” is the correct translation from the New Testament Greek.  This repentance should be understood as a lifetime of re-focusing our ever-drifting attention on God.  He even tells us how a bit later in the Gospel – we need only seek first His Kingdom and all we need will be given to us, but that seeking is a lifestyle and not a mere event.


The hard part is sacrificing our sacred cows in the shifting of our attention back to Him.  But in the fulfillment of His dream lies the fulfillment of all of ours.


James A. Wilson is the author of Living As Ambassadors of Relationships, The Holy Spirit and the End Times, and Kingdom in Pursuit – available at local bookstores or by e-mailing him at