There has been a recent brouhaha over the lyrics “Don we now our GAY apparel.”  Apparently, the word “gay” has become too offensive for even gays.  Hallmark recently promoted a message that said “Don we now our FUN apparel” in an apparent attempt to play up to all sides of political correctness.  This strategy back-fired big time, as they succeeded in riling up both the LGBTQ community as well as the Christian community.  Alas, the Bible tells us how it goes when you try to remain neutral on all sides.  You get vomited out of both. 


     However, perhaps the American Lexicon has indeed changed?  Is gay no longer gay?  If a word or a song no longer suits us, do we have the poetic license to rewrite it much like the SuperBowl Coke commercial that sang “America the Beautiful” in a variety of foreign languages?  I propose that this same bastardization of meaning has also occurred with the English word “Love.”

     Two times this week, I received an email message from a well-respected Christian organization.  The first one asked me pray for abortion doctors so that they might experience more of God’s love, mercy and kindness.  The second asked me to pray for Kathleen Sebelius so that she might experience “the goodness of God.” 

      I literally had to drop to my knees in tortured and confused anguish.  My Holy Spirit radiation detector went off the charts like a Geiger counter at Fukushima. 

      BOTH of these have ALREADY experienced the love, grace, mercy, kindness and long-suffering patience of God.  They currently live in a land that offers the most prosperous, peaceful, healthy, blessed, educated and egalitarian society EVER TO EXIST ON PLANET EARTH IN ALL OF RECORDED HISTORY.  This begs the question:  “How much more ‘love, kindness, goodness and patience’ does one need in order to repent?”

     Much like the Hallmark re-write of long standing Christmas carols, this is Christian political correctness gone mad.  If these well intentioned intercessory requests mean we are to pray for even MORE restraint of God’s hand of correction, I humbly believe we are praying in defiance of God’s will.  Should the WWII German Church have prayed for God to allow more time for Josef Mengele and Adolph Hitler to change course?  How many more innocents would have died in the Holocaust?  History allows us to the unique opportunity to see the end result of looking away from innocent slaughter. 


     Even a sinful, imperfect parent knows that a completely undisciplined child will eventually become a sociopathic, tyrannical brat.  Based on recent court rulings which have so far overturned almost every sensible abortion restriction, we, as a country, have not shown one iota of Repentance on the Sanctity of Life according to God’s Holy Word.  

     Activist judges have also overturned the will of the people in several states that have defined marriage as one man/one woman.  Our court systems have become an oligarchy…America is now ruled by a handful of “elites” just like Kathleen Sebelius. 

     Yes…there have been “pockets of repentance” but the law of the land remains the same:

Americans can still get an abortion WAYYYY past any known definition of “viability” if they are willing to travel and find the right doctor.  If you don’t believe me check out this vile website openly advertising abortions at 28+ weeks in the second and third trimesters:

      Despite the horrors of the Gosnell revelations, this abhorrent practice is still perfectly LEGAL in America.  Perhaps you continue to just look away but you can’t say that you don’t know.  Many Americans claim to be “Pro-Life” but what does that mean?  Have they saved ONE baby from murder?  This is our “Oskar Schindler” moment—we are required to put up or shut up.  It might cost us something in terms of time, money and commitment.  Maybe you are called to adopt.  Maybe you are called to protest.  Maybe you are called to donate money.  Perhaps you will not be able to apply for your Obama”care” coverage without violating your conscience (Heavens forbid!–now I’ve gone too far for some people).    

     To the highest levels of our government, including the President, the Supreme Court and much of Congress…the slaughter of innocents is sanctioned and protected as a Constitutional Right.  It appears that soon we may create gay “marriage” as another protected “right.”  Strike Two.    

This discussion can go on ad nauseum but Jesus called us to rightly discern the times we are living in:

He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.

~Matthew 16:2-3

Here’s God’s definition of LOVE.  This is the type of LOVE that I pray Kathleen Sebelius and abortion providers will soon experience…
Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.

~Revelation 3:19

 So…despite the twisted Twitter hashtag #LoveIsLove…Love also involves correction.    

Americans are about to see the other side of God’s love…the disciplining side. 

And no…

 it won’t be “FUN.”


The gaiety of the tambourines is stilled, the noise of the revelers has stopped, the joyful harp is silent.

~Isaiah 24:8

Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union.

~Josef Stalin


Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.  It is indeed a privilege to come before you in prayer.  Let us not mistake our intimacy with You and Your Grace as a perpetual license to continue in sin.  Help us to recognize that while Your Love endures forever, Your Patience is coming to an end for those who oppose your commands.  The blood of innocents cries out from the ground day and night demanding justice.  Please set the captives free, O Lord, and set Yeshua as the plumb-line once again for our nation.  Amen   

~Posted by permission of Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly

Pastor Jeffrey N. Daly is the author of Repentance—God’s Strategy to Bless a Nation and Zeal to Repent!—A Key to Personal and National Restoration

–Both are available for FREE at The National Day of Repentance website:

or by emailing him at