Church leaders in the African nation of Malawi are holding a nation-wide Week of Repentance March 1-6, 2016. Join them in prayer and repentance to show your support. Add five minutes a day to your prayer time for personal repentance, thereby building up the Body of Christ. And as led by the Holy Spirit intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Malawi using the following suggested prayer points:

In Jesus’ Name:

Pray that Abba Father, Jesus Christ ,and the Holy Spirit of the Living God would be honored above all else, including all persons involved in this Repentance Week in Malawi.

Pray that any blasphemy in Malawi against the Holy Spirit will be ended and that all blasphemy would be covered under the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and His Love.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will no longer be quenched but instead will be released throughout the Body of Christ in Malawi.

Pray that divisions among denominations in Malawi will be healed and love among brothers and sisters in Christ would be powerfully released in new forms of cooperation, joint worship, and loving fellowship in Jesus’ Name.

Pray that the spirit of witchcraft will be taken down under the Blood of Christ and His Sovereign authority over all spirits.

Pray for a conviction that sexual perversions destroy fellowship with the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ and can be removed through sincere repentance and His forgiveness.

Pray that the practice of aborting life in the womb will stop and instead there will be a great desire to adopt children unwanted by the mother,

Pray that through a growing national spirit of repentance in Malawi the Lord’s unique destiny for Malawi will be revealed and seen as an example of personal and national spiritual cleansing to believers in other nations all over the planet.