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River & Streams in the Desert: The Forty Forties of Scripture–A Forty-Day Repentance Devotional (eBook)


River & Streams in the Desert: The Forty Forties of Scripture–A Forty-Day Repentance Devotional

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Product Description

LAKEPORT, Calif. – In his new book release, Pastor Jeffrey Daly blasts an urgent trumpet call, urging all people everywhere to repentance. In this new 40-day devotional book “River & Streams in the Desert” (published by WestBow Press), the former lawyer, now a pastor and author, teaches about the ravages of the Bibles’ four national sins: the killing of innocents, sanctification of perversions, the removal of the One, true God Almighty from the public square, and betrayal of Israel (ultimately which signifies betrayal of Jesus Christ).

These key national sins are ancient yet exposed in modern times. For example, people continue to see the slaughter of innocents in so-called “civilized” nations today. Daly states: “People are finally aghast at the historically ancient child sacrifices which are again re-occurring openly in our nation as we celebrate infanticide by lighting up the Empire State Building in celebratory lights.” Daly makes the powerful connection between this culture of death and the recent mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton: “We have taught an entire generation that life is disposable. Is it any wonder that now we are seeing an alarming increase of people acting out on this horrific premise? Add this toxic mindset to the removal of prayer and Bible teaching from our public schools and we have created a horrific cultural stew for utter societal madness and chaos.”

A National Day of Repentance would cause God to begin to forgive these sins and heal the land.

While the book is written from his American standpoint, it is clearly a clarion call to all of Western civilization that they have become increasingly unmoored from their Judeo-Christian foundations and are now dangerously on sinking sand. The book makes clear, that unless a nation repents of these four national sins, it will continue down the path of sin destruction, which is outlined prophetically throughout the Bible for nations that desert God’s moral order.

More than just exposing national sins, this unique repentance devotional also gives the reader a powerful process, day after day, to remove sin in their own lives through daily repentance. Each chapter uses biblical examples of those who, although initially seemingly insignificant, were chosen by God to carry the torch onward and play an important role in God’s epic drama. The book, while based on biblical characters and stories, reminds people that they must individually engage in the culture war or they will be swept away by it. Everything in the news today is connected to these four national sins. Even “global warming” in addressed in this new devotional.

Daly describes the book as extremely unique and states that there is no other book currently available on the market like it. With talk of “peace treaties” touted as the final solution to the world’s conflicts, this book reminds the church that “we were commanded by our true Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ, to go and makes disciples of all nations. This is the only true and lasting peace for the entire world.”

“River & Streams in the Desert”

By Pastor Jeffrey Daly

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 200 pages | ISBN 9781973661863

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 200 pages | ISBN 9781973661856

E-Book | 200 pages | ISBN 9781973661870

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author

Pastor Jeffrey Daly is a former Wall Street lawyer, committed to serving Christ in 1991. This is Daly’s third book following his first two books, “The Spiritual Battle for the White House” and “Making America Godly Again.” He recently served as pastor of Jesus Christ Fellowship, Middletown, California, along with the support of his wife Laurie. Retired from his legal practice, Daly writes, teaches and works with national repentance and prayer ministries. In addition to founding the National Day of Repentance, he serves as a director of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners in Washington, D.C.

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